How do I join a Team?

Gene Gurkoff -

It’s simple! Once you’re logged into Charity Miles, select the Team tab (second to the right on the bottom of the screen). In the search bar enter the team name you would like to join. Be sure the spelling is correct and mirrors how the team spells it. After you find the team you want to join, tap the green Join team button.

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    Gene Gurkoff

    Very simple!

    Go to the Menu > Teams. In the box that says "Find/Create Teams" enter a team name as either a hashtag (i.e., #TeamName) or handle (i.e., @TeamName).

    The only difference between a #TeamName and a @TeamName is that we may eventually allow the owner of the @TeamName Twitter handle to administer their @TeamName team. (We're working on some ideas there.)

    #TeamName pages are unadministered and open to anyone.

    If the #TeamName or @TeamName does not yet exist, then there will be a button to create the team. You'll be the first member on it, and you can invite your friends to join it. If the team already exists then you can join it!

  • 0

    The team I want to join does not come up. I am trying to join Fit2B. They person that created it always spells it this way. Where is it?

  • -1
    Margaret Brame

    Cannot find menue to join my team.

  • 0
    Rebecca Gibbs

    I can't find my team.  I'm spelling and punctuating correctly.  But my phone is somehow typing in all caps.  Maybe that's the issue?  But I can't get it to stop, so...


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